Got a problem, but legal help too expensive or inaccessible? Getting stressed? You are not alone. We’ve heard and are here to help.

A recent New Plymouth survey highlighted too many people with legal issues cannot not afford legal help, and that too many don’t get early wellbeing or other support to deal with the accompanying stress. Feel familiar, don’t panic. At Legal Plus we are here to change this.

The cost of legal services and limited accessibility/ capacity of Legal Aid and Community Law means many people realistically can’t access justice. The survey reinforces that alongside legal issues, people are stressed impacting their whānau, hauora (wellbeing) and finances –making things a whole lot worse.

The majority of our survey respondents told us they knew someone who had not accessed the legal system in the last 3 years because of cost. 100% said they would be more likely to use legal services if they were more affordable.

People also tell us their whānau, their friends and their work colleagues about the stresses they have alongside these issues. 57% of the survey respondents knew someone with legal issues that also had stress impacting important aspects of their lives. 60% of these did not get the help they needed. The top 3 areas of impact are on whānau, hauora (wellbeing) and finances – areas where the personal cost for us, family, friends and colleagues can quickly escalate when we have to cope alone.

At Legal Plus our services aim to help with:

· Pay what you can afford; Certainty of cost; Legal aid (if available); & Accessible hours in person, phone or zoom

· Our holistic approach that aims to listen, be understandable and, with access to other services, help with a total care plan

If you or a friend are having problems at work; an employer unfairly changing terms; landlord or family issues; in a dispute; or going to court, contact us or call in.


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